Saturday, October 3, 2009

Review Pooligans Diapers

The good, the bad, and the ugly! I want and need honesty in regards to fit, function, and overall appeal. Thanks so much!

AND, for a
ll testers who complete and return their questionnaire and review their Pooligans diaper here and/or on BBC get a 10% discount off their first purchase of Pooligans OSFM OBV Hemp Bamboo Diapers! All you need to do to get your discount code is email me with your questionnaire, give me the date and time of your review, and/or paste the link for your review on BBC and then I will email you your discount code.


  1. I tested a Pooligan on my 22 month old strictly overnight. I tried it first without prewashing and we did have leakage. After washing once I tried it again and had no leakage or dampness. She is a very heavy wetter that will leak through disposables at night so I was very impressed that it worked so well on the second try. I tried it once more and came back with the same results. It fit great and is very absorbent. I have finally found a great night time solution and couldn't be happier!

  2. I've only been cloth diapering my daughter for a little over 3 months. But in those 3 months I've learned pretty fast what I'm looking for in a cloth diaper. I've tried ALOT of diapers. (I have a bin full of diapers I don't like to prove it.). I'm looking for a few key elements in a diaper: Obviously they have to fit her well; be absorbent enough for my super soaker; be made of natural materials and lastly give her a cute fluffy bottom. Lil' Pooligans fits the criteria ++. I tested this diaper on my daughter a total of 5 times in the last week and a half. Every time I went coverless (except at night).
    First lets talk about fit. My daughter is 15 lbs and has some chubba wubba thighs, but a small waste. The stretchy tabs make this diaper great for wrapping snugly around her waist and the fit around her chubba thighs just as well. There is also plenty of room in the folded down rise so I know she will be wearing this diaper until she is potty learned.
    The first day I could not wait to get this soft squishy diaper on her bottom. This is my first diaper made of a hemp/bamboo combo and I was pleasantly surprised. I've heard hemp is not as soft as bamboo. That is certainly not the case with hemp/bamboo. So as soon as I unwrapped the package Lillyana was up on the changing table with her brand new (unprepped) pooligan on her cute bottom. Well she did what she always does with my favorite diapers. She pooped in it 2 minutes after her bottom was off the changing table (no cover). No problem - no leak! The next 3 times went similar to this, no cover and no leaks. After it had a total of 9 washings and I felt like it was more then prepped I tried it over-night with a micro-fleece doubler (and a wool cover). Again we had no leaks.
    Did I mention how cute this diaper is? We received our pooligan in a beautiful flower print that I definitely would have picked out myself. It is one of the first diapers I reach for in my stash. That alone should tell you how much I love this diaper!
    Now the last thing I want to mention is not on my "criteria" per say, but to me is as important as everything else I listed above. The Mama behind lil' Pooligans is as sweet as God makes them. She seems genuinely committed to putting out a quality product that she can and should feel very proud of. It is just my humble opinion, but I have a feeling she is going to be VERY busy with her newest baby - Lil' Pooligans!

  3. I bought my first Pooligans on her grand opening stocking. When it came in the mail I was instantly in love! The fabric combination was adorable, and the diaper was SOOO soft and squishy! This diaper is super absorbent, and I find myself changing my boys before the outside is even damp, which isn't the case for my other fitteds. I also love that the the wings on these diapers are super stretchy! It is so easy to get a great fit with Pooligan diapers on both my 30lb 19 month old and on my 14lb 10 week old. I actually dont even mind using snappis (which I usually hate) on these diapers because of the stretch. I have 2 coming in the mail with snaps, and cant wait to try them out!
