Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why can't I be cut a break?

My car is down for the count still, I can't get to a printer, my care labels haven't be printed yet, and my poor mama is in the hospital! It is super tough to ship when you can't get labels printed OR get to the post office to do it the hard expensive way. I'm scared to death right now because my Mom is in ICU with a pulmonary embolism, aka blood clot in her lung. I want to be with her and of course I can't. Why do all of these things have to happen at once? There is no way that I can conceivably stock this week for a multitude of reasons. One of the biggest being my mother, than the shipping difficulties, and finally the printer is still down for my labels and I can't ship out diapers minus their care labels because it is against federal guidelines. WOW... the powers that be are angry with me!!! If need be I'm going to send the ones without paypal labels with my husband to the post office to be sent out on Tuesday and these that I have labels for will be picked up by the mailman. I wonder if its too late to setup pick up for tomorrow? Well, there is one huge benefit to not stocking... I am going to bust out most if not all customs this week and get them out the door!!! Shipping these will be pretty easy! I can package, hand address them, and send them with the hubby to the post office to be shipped.

BUT... all things considered I do have something big to look forward too!!! I should have these in time to put them on my next stocking of diapers!!!

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